This afternoon I was so excited to finally post my new set of teas that I made specifically for those people out there dealing with the effects of Chemotherapy treatment as well as Fibromyalgia. I really have a few Etsians to thank for the inspiration.
Overall it was fun, but this batch of teas were a little more involved because not only did I want to make sure that the teas were good and helpful I also wanted to make sure that they wouldn't interact with the types of treatments or prescriptions that people may be on when dealing with cancer or fibromyalgia. I also plan on making a few bath teas this week for people with skin troubles, but I had promised these teas a while ago and finally had time and herbs to work on them. Take a look and let me know what you think!
More to come!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Herbs I Use And Their Possible Side Effects
Herbs, and the people who use them, are still considered rather primitive as far as the government is concerned so there is very little legislation, protection, or guidance for those of us who use them in our practice. Because of this we have to be super careful about everything we do and say. I have my own little "FDA approved"-type wording on my Etsy account but I get worried that people won't pay attention, so I'm creating this post which I will update on occasion with links to a Physicians' Desk Reference site and to the specific herbs I use. If anyone has any concerns or questions about how the herbs in my products will affect them they can use this as a guide as well as contact their own doctor for advice.
Alfalfa, Ashwaganda, Astralagus, Barley, Calendula, Chamomile, Coriander, Damiana, Dandelion, Eyebright, Fennel, Gingko, Ginger, Gotu Kola, Grapeseed, Jasmine, Kava Kava, Lavender, Marshmallow, Passion Flower, Peppermint, Red Clover, Rosemary, Tumeric, Valerian, Wild Carrot, Wild Yam, Yohimbe
Alfalfa, Ashwaganda, Astralagus, Barley, Calendula, Chamomile, Coriander, Damiana, Dandelion, Eyebright, Fennel, Gingko, Ginger, Gotu Kola, Grapeseed, Jasmine, Kava Kava, Lavender, Marshmallow, Passion Flower, Peppermint, Red Clover, Rosemary, Tumeric, Valerian, Wild Carrot, Wild Yam, Yohimbe
The Eagle (or rather the herbs) Has Landed
The day herbs arrive is like Christmas for me! Today Mike, the UPS guy, arrived with a small brown box with my name on it. Inside were a few containers of some of the loveliest organic herbs I've seen. Astralagus, Rosemary, Barley Grass...woohoo!!!
So, now that the herbs have arrived I can finally begin my adventure with my new teas, Tea-Mo-Therapy! Of course, before I even open one container I'll be giving HowlingCaterpillar her Chakra Reading as promised. I would have last night but I was in DirectTV Customer Service Hell. (we've now been upgraded from customer service reps who won't call us back to a case manager who won't call us back) What I put up with for my weekly Bones and House.
So, this weekend will be lots of playing with herbs, and I will come out the other end (fate and karma willing) with three new teas, a few bath teas, and some sales. Fingers crossed!
So, now that the herbs have arrived I can finally begin my adventure with my new teas, Tea-Mo-Therapy! Of course, before I even open one container I'll be giving HowlingCaterpillar her Chakra Reading as promised. I would have last night but I was in DirectTV Customer Service Hell. (we've now been upgraded from customer service reps who won't call us back to a case manager who won't call us back) What I put up with for my weekly Bones and House.
So, this weekend will be lots of playing with herbs, and I will come out the other end (fate and karma willing) with three new teas, a few bath teas, and some sales. Fingers crossed!
Barley Grass,
herbal tea,
Friday, May 15, 2009
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things, Part 5
There are so many wonderful things on Etsy that so rarely get seen or featured, I figured it was high time I did something about it, so I created my own little Featured section and I plan to have one at least every other Friday if not every Friday. So I might be knocking on your Etsy door some day, looking to feature one of your items! Don't be surprised.....
AvalonAdornments is not only one of my fellow EAST Team members, but she's a pretty fabulous person. Even putting that aside she's very talented at making lovely jewelry. This is only one of her many examples, the Siren Of The Sea necklace, with pearls, black lip mussel, shell charms and more, this necklace is just beautiful. It's also on sale as she moves her studio (the less you pack the better, I totally agree!) So take a look at her shop, chock full of gorgeous pieces!
I hate needles, and despite that I do have a tattoo. Not wanting to deal with more needles to get something pretty etched onto my person, I stumbled upon these fabulous tights, or rather thigh-high stockings, from Post. Lovely, feminine, and not quite as permanent, these sexy White Tattoo Socks are a great alternative!
Even if Greenfingers wasn't another fellow EAST Team member I'd still adore her for her creativity, her leadership, and her kind heart. I'd also love to get this beautiful, handknitted love charm for being so generous with my praise, hint hint. j/k. The Path of Desire Knitted Heart Love Charm is actually a collaboration with a fellow artist and Greenfingers by hand-knitting, embroidering, beading and filling with a small bag of herbs. She has quite the collection, so if orange isn't your thing you could try any number of other heart love charms!
I can crochet fairly well. I'm not overly creative with it, so when I saw StudioKarma's collection of intricately crocheted necklaces I was blown away. They are stunning, precise, and such lovely colors! I can only imagine how many hours she puts into each beautiful piece.

AvalonAdornments is not only one of my fellow EAST Team members, but she's a pretty fabulous person. Even putting that aside she's very talented at making lovely jewelry. This is only one of her many examples, the Siren Of The Sea necklace, with pearls, black lip mussel, shell charms and more, this necklace is just beautiful. It's also on sale as she moves her studio (the less you pack the better, I totally agree!) So take a look at her shop, chock full of gorgeous pieces!

If these aren't your style Post has other options for you!

If I'm ever in Turkey I am absolutely stopping by to watch you work hun!
So, that's it for Part 5 of my favorites. I love suggestions, so if you have spotted something that you are dying to share, send me a link and let me know and maybe I can feature it in a future blog post. Who says Etsy gets to have all the fun? I personally think that everyone should have their own Etsy Favorites listed on their blogs. Don't you?
EAST Team,
thigh high
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Herbal Tea/Tea Aide Sampler Posting
Keep those suggestions coming! I'm loving some of those names!
Well, after talking to a bunch of people on Etsy yesterday it seems that people are interested in trying my teas but don't want to commit to one until they've tried it. I can understand that. So I've posted a Sampler item in my shop, so for $3.50 (plus shipping) you can get 6 tea bags of any tea or tea aide I have in my shop. Mix and match, double up, how ever you want to do it! Here's hoping you find them addictive and delicious!
herbal tea,
tea aide,
tea bags
Monday, May 11, 2009
10% of profits going to Cancer org
I had planned on beginning this new program in June, but them realized that there was no reason why I couldn't start it right away.
Some dear friends of ours really inspired this. I had planned on finding an organization that worked with my type of cancer, but that doesn't exist and it felt very selfish. So, the story behind this? Dear friends of ours have a little girl who was diagnosed very early with a type of childhood leukemia that has no real cure. They didn't have a lot of money so they began with the normal types of treatments that the husband's insurance would cover. Then he lost his job, and they found out that she was pregnant. So things got tight, and scary, and their main concern was how could they afford the treatments for their child, and how could they do that and bring another child into the world and support them? So they made a lot of personal sacrifices, asked for donations, did some fundraising, everything they could think of and it helped, a little but not nearly enough. Then came some good news, there was a new treatment that involved stem-cells but their insurance wouldn't cover it. So they went into further debt trying to get their child into this program. Now it is years later and while their daughter is in remission their debts are still looming over their heads, preventing them from being ready for the next time, preventing them from doing a lot of the things they should be doing as a family.
It is because of this that I went looking for an organization where I could donate specifically with the intention that my donations would go to families like theirs, to help them, relieve some of the stress and pressure so they can focus on their children and their fight.
So, as of May 1st, 10% of every purchase will be donated to the Candlelighters Organization and ear-marked for supporting the families financially. Check them out!
Herbs and Chemotherapy
The only problem is that there are so many side effects and so many herbs that in order to address them all in one tea I'd have about 10 different herbs and I don't think that would create a tea people would WANT to drink. hahaha So perhaps I will have to separate them into different teas, teas that help nausea, teas that help keep nutrients in the body and stimulate the immune system, teas that help keep up brain function and ease the pain in joints. There is quite a lot that can be to find just the right herbs and tea combination to make them delicious as well as helpful...oh, and come up with good names for them.
herbal tea,
Friday, May 8, 2009
New Stuff and Trading!
I made my first trade today! Woohoo! No longer am I the Trading Virgin of Etsy! I'm getting some lovely vintage Italian tissues and she's getting one of my Past Life Readings. Very exciting. I don't know if I'm more excited about getting the tissues or doing the reading...these are so much fun!
I have a lot of plans this weekend...hoping to solidify my brand once and for all. My problem, I think, is that I had to pick a niche! I want to do readings, but I also want to work with herbs, and I also like crocheting and will be doing more of that, and I want to create my own brand of healing bath products. How do I create a brand that encompasses it all????
Have a wonderful weekend all!!!!
Frogs throat,
herbal tea,
past life,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Working for the Weekend
Yay! I know it's only Thursday but that means the weekend is almost here. While I am slightly saddened that my honey will be leaving Saturday morning for a week in Tokyo, I am happy to have the place to myself so I can lock myself in my little herb dungeon and mix some fun stuff! The only down side is that she is taking our digital camera with her. Ack! Luckily I have a photographer friend who has about a dozen different cameras and I might be able to convince him to lend me his. Fingers crossed!!
So, things I will be working on this weekend:
- 3 new herbal teas (man, that rooibos tea I got is phenominal!)
- 3 new herbal bath teas (I get to try them out! woohoo!)
- 1 or two new tarot card readings
- 1 prayer shawl which may be done by next weekend
- Creating my brand, logo, and trying to get my printer to work right, urg!
In fact, I have a little cash in my PayPal account so I may make another purchase or five. Stop me, I'm mad about herbs!
bath tea,
herbal tea,
tarot cards,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Favorite Places on the Web
Other than Etsy, my e-mail accounts, and the occasional meander over to, I have a few places I like to go and play when I have some down-time. Most are craft-sites, many are sites for herbs and oils, and a few are shops where I like to get ideas...whether I have time to work on them is another matter entirely!
Here are some of my favorite sites!
I really enjoy looking through Rishi Tea's web-site. It's nice to see companies that are really built around fair-trade, organic, and sustainable products. They have such unique products, such lovely teas, that it makes me want a whole room I can dedicate to it.
I'm a big-time cross-stitcher and I love looking at the amazing patterns that you can create at Scarlet's site. Lucky for my I got a gift certificate from the site for Christmas one year and have already spent it. Now, have I actually had any time to make any of the designs I bought? Hell no!
But I know one day, maybe when I no longer work...ah to dream!
The European Cross Stitch Company is another one of those craft sites that makes my mouth water. The amazingly complex designs, the mandalas, the traditional European looks. Of course, even working on something like that for a few hours a day it would take me years to complete it. What do you charge for something like that? $700, $1,000?
This place is the mecca of all things crafty and cheap...expense-wise, not quality-wise. Where else can you find decorative bird-cages, LED battery operated candles, flower arrangement supplies, beads, ribbon, glassware, sheppard hooks, paper lanterns, and immensley more in one place for really reasonable prices? No, really, I want to know. If you know of a place please share it!
bath tea,
cross stitch,
paper lanterns,
sheppard hook
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Finally Back!
Back from the land of Swine Flu, aka New York. Met the entire group of in-laws in one fell swoop. Whew! They are all very nice, very Italian, very stereotypical, but nice.
We also saw the musical Mary Poppins. It was very nice. I grew up on the Disney movie so it was a little different, but still nice. The dancing was great, singing was great, the acting was great...the kids were ok. Not too shabby, but when all is said and done no one can do it better than Julie Andrews in my opinion.
The ride home was nasty, rainy, cold, dark, and we didn't get home until very late. Our cat sitter forgot to come that day completely so our poor kitties were almost knocking down the door. I was glad we forgot to get the sitter a present from NYC like we had planned.
Now to catch up on everything else. My honey is going away this weekend to Japan and is miserable about it. The only good thing is that it means I have the place to myself and can shut myself away and meditate, do readings, make teas, take a bath...oh, maybe make some bath teas! Hmmmmm.
We also saw the musical Mary Poppins. It was very nice. I grew up on the Disney movie so it was a little different, but still nice. The dancing was great, singing was great, the acting was great...the kids were ok. Not too shabby, but when all is said and done no one can do it better than Julie Andrews in my opinion.
The ride home was nasty, rainy, cold, dark, and we didn't get home until very late. Our cat sitter forgot to come that day completely so our poor kitties were almost knocking down the door. I was glad we forgot to get the sitter a present from NYC like we had planned.
Now to catch up on everything else. My honey is going away this weekend to Japan and is miserable about it. The only good thing is that it means I have the place to myself and can shut myself away and meditate, do readings, make teas, take a bath...oh, maybe make some bath teas! Hmmmmm.
bath tea,
herbal tea,
Mary Poppins,
New York City,
Swine Flu
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